a - Introduction to HTML

HTML is one of the three inventions that make up the World Wide Web, with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and web addresses. HTML was invented to allow the writing of hypertext documents linking different Internet resources with hyperlinks. Today, these documents are called "web page". In August 1991, when Tim Berners-Lee publicly advertised the web on Usenet, he only quoted the SGML language, but gave the URL of a .html suffix document.

1 - Introduction

HTML is the acronym for hypertext Markup language: language used to encode text files for use on hypertext systems (technique creating links between data of different types such as text ↔ image, text ↔ multimedia file. To create a web page, in the beginning the webmasters used two programs, in one they typed the HTML in the other they visualized the page. Certainly what they typed as HTML did not correspond to what they obtained Like animated text, command buttons ... Today, thanks to the appearance of WYSIYG software (what you see is what you get), creating a web page is as simple as creating a text document. a the most widely used WYSIWYG software is  Dreamwever, Nvu, FrontPage, FrontPage Express,...

A "standard" html document must start with:

<HTML> et finir par </HTML>


2 - The necessary tools

There are many HTML development tools! But the most used are:  Dreamwever, Nvu,  FrontPage, ...

As for me I recommend Dreamweaver CS6:

dreaweaver-cs6.jpg : Dreamweaver was one of the first HTML editors of the type "such display, such result", but also one of the first to integrate a site manager (CyberStudio GoLive being the first). These innovations imposed it quickly as one of the main publishers of website, as well usable by the neophyte as by the professional.

Dreamweaver CS6, is a paid IDE WYIWYG but it exists in trial version (30 days) you can download it via this link :

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Younes Derfoufi

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